Picture this: It all started way back in 1998;
when the world was still figuring out
what to do with scrunchies and pagers,
is when Vladimir Rimac dig.,
a true trailblazer in bridge construction* started his legacy.
We've tackled everything from bridges to houses,
buildings to retaining walls.
You name it, we made it!
*(the cool kind called "bridge construction by suppression")
Gone are the days of dusty tracing paper
and ancient 2D programs.
We've embraced the new millennium with open arms and
cutting-edge technology with Nemetschek Allplan!
With this amazing software, we create 3D projects that let
us visualize every detail before a single brick is laid.
No more hiding errors or sneaky defects –
we spot them all with our virtual prototypes!
We've got charm, wit, and a knack for teamwork.
Our team is as sociable as your favorite barista on a random Wednesday, quick, and communicative.
And hey, we never compromise on quality
– it's our middle name!
+385 91 504 9132
Slavka Batušića 3
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
PR društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću
za projektiranje, građenje i nadzor
VAT: 11188483589
oblak 2023 - all rights reserved